
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/06/03 22:49:55
Sports-related spinal cord injury in Japan (from the nationwide spinal cord injury registry between 1990 and 1992).
The Injury Prevention Committee of the Japan Medical Society of Paraplegia (JMSoP) conducted a nationwide epidemiological survey on spinal cord injury (SCI) using postal questionnaires for 3 years periods from 1990 to 1992, and the annual incidence of the spinal cord injury was estimated as 40.2 per million. From this registry, we investigated SCI related to sports activities. In 3 years, 528 patients were registered and 374 of them had neurological deficits. The incidence was 1.95 per million per annum. Mean age at injury was 28.5 years (10-77), and 88.1% of the patients were males. Diving was the commonest cause of SCI (21.6%), which was followed by skiing (13.4%), football including rugby, American football and soccer (12.7%), sky sports (7.0%), judo (6.8%) and gymnastics (6.6%). Mean age at injury was higher than 30 years in skiing (38.6 years) and sky sports (38.2 years). Cervical injury was predominant in all but sky sports and accounted for 83.5% of SCI. Motor complete paralysis was reported in 35.0% of the patients. Bony injury was observed in 55.9% of the patients; most of the patients who sustained the SCI in diving and sky sports had bony injury, and no bony injury was detected in more than a half of the patients who sustained injuries in skiing, judo or gymnastics. Although the percentage of sports-related SCI was small in the present study as compared to the data from previous reports, it is not difficult to imagine the increase in the number of sports-related SCI. We have launched an injury prevention campaign and are planning to conduct a similar study in future to evaluate the effect of the campaign as well as the changes in the incidence and pattern of SCI.

日本的运动- 相关的脊髓受伤.( 从全国性的脊髓受伤记入在 1990 和 1992 之间)
日本的受伤预防委员会半身不遂 (JMSoP) 的医学社会引导了从 1990 到 1992 使用邮政的调查表达 3 年之久期数的在脊髓受伤 (SCI) 上的一个全国性的 epidemiological 调查,而且脊髓受伤的年度影响之方式被估计当做 40.2 每一百万。 从这一个记入,我们调查被讲到运动活动的 SCI 。 在 3 年中, 528位病人是注册的,而且他们中的 374 个有了神经学上的赤字。 影响之方式每一一年百万是 1.95 。 方法年龄在受伤是 28.5 年 (10-77) ,而且 88.1% 的病人是男人。 潜水是 SCI(21.6%) 的最通常的因素包括橄榄球,橄榄球和足球 (12.7%) ,天空运动 (7.0%) ,柔道 (6.8%) 的足球和体操的, 在藉由滑雪 (13.4%) 被跟随.(6.6%) 方法年龄在受伤在滑雪 (38.6 年) 和天空运动中比 30 年更高。 (38.2 年) 颈受伤是优越的在几乎天空运动中并且占 83.5% 的 SCI 。 马达的完全麻痹在 35.0% 的病人被。如骨的受伤在 55.9% 的病人被观察; 大部份维持了潜水的 SCI 的病人和天空游戏有如骨的受伤,而且没有如骨的受伤在超过一位一半的维持了滑雪的受伤病人 , 柔道中被发现或体操的。 虽然运动- 相关的 SCI 的百分比当做比拟为来自早先的报告数据目前很小研究,想像运动- 相关的 SCI 的数字增加不是困难的。 我们已经发射一个受伤预防活动并且正在计划引导未来的一项相似的研究评估活动和那效果方面的改变 SCI 的影响之方式和式样。