
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/06/11 04:43:30
书名:<1>Journey to the Centre of the Earth <2>Oliver Twist <3>Sherlock Holmes <4>Cinderella <5>Harry Potter <6>Alice in Wondland <7>Pride and Prejudice <8>Death on the Nile
作者:<a>Charles Dickens <b>Hans Christian Andersen <c>J.K.Rowling <d>Lewis Carroll <e>Jules Verne <f>Conan Doyle <g>Agatha Christie <h>Jane Austen

书名:<1>Journey to the Centre of the Earth 地心游记

<2>Oliver Twist ---雾都孤儿(中文出版名,英文是主人公的人名)

<3>Sherlock Holmes 福尔摩斯

<4>Cinderella ---灰姑娘(仙都瑞拉)

<5>Harry Potter --哈里波特

<6>Alice in Wondland --爱丽丝梦游仙境

<7>Pride and Prejudice --傲慢与偏见

<8>Death on the Nile ---尼罗河惨案

作者:<a>Charles Dickens--查理狄更斯---2

<b>Hans Christian Andersen --汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生----4


<d>Lewis Carroll 刘易斯·卡罗尔---6

<e>Jules Verne 儒勒·凡尔纳---1

<f>Conan Doyle 柯南道尔---3

<g>Agatha Christie 阿加莎·克里斯蒂---8

<h>Jane Austen:简 奥斯丁---7


<3>Sherlock Holmes ---<f>Conan Doyle
<5>Harry Potter-- <c>J.K.Rowling
<7>Pride and Prejudice ---<h>Jane Austen
<1>Journey to the Centre of the Earth --<e>Jules Verne
<4>Cinderella -- <b>Hans Christian Andersen

<3>Sherlock Holmes ---<f>Conan Doyle
<5>Harry Potter-- <c>J.K.Rowling
<7>Pride and Prejudice ---<h>Jane Austen
<1>Journey to the Centre of the Earth --<e>Jules Verne
<4>Cinderella -- <b>Hans Christian Andersen