
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/06/06 00:44:43

Sub-district Office of New Jiangwan City

“XX 街道”与“街道办事处”不能“混同一译”
设区的市,区下又设多个由区政府的派出机构“街道办事处”管辖的“街道”区域。在表示区域的时候,这时的“街道”不是某一条街道,而是区以下的一个 “分区”或“街区”。既然 municipality 下设的区为 district,那么表示 “分区”的“街道”区域就是 sub-district了。而“街道办事处”是区政府的派出机构 office,故应译为 sub-district office(of a district people’s government).
原译:There are 6 towns and 2 sub-district offices under the jurisdiction of the District.
改译:上译的sub-district offices 改为 sub-districts.
原译:This is the Director of the Hekou Street Office of the District.
改译:This is the Director of the Hekou Sub-district Office of the Yuncheng District Government. 或 This is the chief executive of the Hekou Sub-district of the Yuncheng District.
《羊城晚报》2000年5月14日报道广州逢源街建立一支2200多人加盟的社区义工队伍。报道中提到的“逢源街”及“区街领导”中的“区”就应译 district, “街”译 sub-district.

the subdistrict office of new Jiangwan town

street office of new jiangwanchen