
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/09/21 06:19:48
Raw Read Error Rate 100 0 Normal
Spin Up Time 100 5888 Very good
Start/Stop Count 100 217 Very good
Reallocated Sector Count 98 24 Watch
Warning: Reallocated Sector Count is below the average limits (253-253).
Seek Error Rate 253 0 Very good
Seek Time Performance 253 0 Very good
Power On Hours Count 100 416 Normal
Spin Retry Count 253 0 Very good
Calibration Retry Count 253 0 Very good
Power Cycle Count 100 109 Very good
Unknown attribute 187 253 1376256 Very good
Unknown attribute 190 106 44 Normal
Hardware ECC Recovered 100 1065842 Very good
Reallocated Event Count 98 24 Watch
Warning: Reallocated Event Count is below the average limits (253-253).
Current Pending Sector 253 0 Very good
Offline Uncorrectable Sector Count 253 0 Very good
Ultra DMA CRC Error Rate 200 0 Very good
Write Error Rate 100 0 Normal
Soft Read Error Rate 253 0 Very good
TA Increase Count 253 0 Very good

用SPEEDFAN在线测的 什么意思

都是Very Good,就是非常好了,呵呵