
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/04/27 17:16:27
Customs brokers complain, however, that enforcement has not been consistent nationwide. They say the agency has given its port directors broad discretion. For example, a Customs port director may order an entire container to be re-exported, even if some of the crates and pallets have the International Plant Protection Convention mark, which indicates that the materials have been heat-treated or fumigated. Customs ports directors have the discretion to determine whether cargo can be removed from the packaging at the ports and shipped to the final destination, with only the packaging re-exported.
The inconsistency creates special problems with consolidated containers—those that carry cargo from more than one shipper, said David Katz-man, director of regulatory compliance at C.H. Powell Co., a Westwood, Mass.-based forwarder and customs broker. “ All of this is at the discretion of the port director, so we are not really sure what the policies will be around the country when full enforcement starts,” he said.
Katzman said it would make more sense to incinerate noncompliant pallets rather than trying to export them.
However, a Customs spokeswoman said the agency’s port directors lack the authority to permit in incineration.
Customs admits that dunnage presents unipue challenges. Pieces of dunnage may be cut to fit a load and may be separated from the IPPC marking during that process . “ Other times, during the course of transit, dunnage is broken, crushed, abraded or otherwise damaged; in these cases, too, pieces of dunnage will likely be separated from their compliance mark,” the Customs Web site says.
Customs “intends to exercise its discretionary authority so that if Customs believes that cut or damaged pieces of dunnage are part of a larger pieces of properly marked wood, Customs will determine that the unmarked dunnage has been treated and marked and should consider the unmarked dunnage to be nonviolative,” the Web site said.

关税经纪人然而控诉厉行不是一致的全国性的。 他们说代理商已经给它的港口指导者宽广的慎重。 举例来说,一位关税港口指导者可能点一个整个的容器再被输出,即使一些板条箱和草铺有指出材料已经是热的国际的植物保护大会标志治疗了或者以烟熏消毒。 关税移植指导者有慎重决定货物是否能被移动从在港口的包装而且运送到最后的目的地, 与只有包装再输出。
不一致产生特别的联合容器的问题-来自超过一个装货者的进位货物,说大卫 Katz 的那些-男人, C.H. 的管制服从的指导者 鲍威尔公司、 Westwood, 弥撒。-基础的运送者和关税经纪人。 " 这全部在港口的慎重指导者,因此,我们不是真的确信什么政策将会在国家的周围当完整的厉行开始," 他说。
Katzman 说,它会作较多的感觉烧成灰非顺从的草铺并非尝试输出他们。
关税承认 dunnage 呈现 unipue 挑战。 dunnage 的块可能被切割适合一个负荷而且可能在那一个程序期间与 IPPC 印记分离。" 其他的时代,在经过的课程期间, dunnage 被打破,粉碎,擦伤 也, dunnage 的块将会或许与他们的服从标志分离," 关税网站说。
关税 "想要练习它的任意权威以便如果关税相信削减或者被损坏的 dunnage 是一个比较大适当显着的木材一部份,关税将会决定未被注意的 dunnage 已经被对待而且作记号而且应该考虑未被注意的 dunnage 是 nonviolative," 网站说。