
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/04/27 23:32:24
1.她在这一领域很有名气,她的许多成就得到了认可(receive recognition for)
2.这样一个懒虫当年是如何最终坐上公司第一把交椅的至今还是个留在人们心中的迷(end up)
3.对于这一向祖祖辈辈代代相传的技艺,我们有千万条理由最大限度的加以充分利用(make the most of)
4.一些世人叹为观止为之折服的古文明遗迹将无疑成为本届雅典奥运会期间的旅游热点(marvel at)
5.最难以令人忍受的是那女老板整天挂在脸上矫柔造作的微笑(put up with)
6.这位女政治家虽然常常看起来强悍如铁,却也有其柔情似水的一面(as tough as nails,soft side)

She is very famous in this field.And she has received recognition for many of his success.
How to be the charge of the company for such a lazybone hasn't ended up being an enigma.
We have thousands of reasons to make the most use of the workmanship that passed from generation to generation.
It's no doubt that some relics of ancient culture marveled by people will be the hot places of interest in the Athens Olympics.
The most terrible thing to put up with is the woman boss's artificial smile.
This woman politician always looks as tough as nails,however,she has a soft side.

1.She is very famous in this realm, the many of achievement gets to approve( receive recognition for)
2.Thus a lazy insect that year is how end sit up the company first hand over the chair up to now still a fan who stay in people's heart( end up)
3.For this always the 祖祖 generation generation one after one generation it is rumored of technical skill, we have the ten million logical arrangement from utmost take into full make use of( the make the most of)
4.Some people of this worlds sigh for view admit defeat for it of ancient civilization historic relic will become the ? embarrassed 煅 promise 浒 doubtless slightly steady magpies of the 嘶崞 诩涞 穆糜 ?marvel at)
5.The most hard ream person is tolerate is that female boss to all day long hang in the on the face affected smile( put up with)
6.Although this female politician usually looks violent such as iron, also have it the tender feelings a side of the water( the as tough as nails, the soft side)