
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/09/21 09:27:24
4.Further disposal of Ethiopian obsolete pesticides:
Over 140 tonnes of obsolete pesticides in Ethiopia have been sent to the UK for destruction, according to the Wala information Centre reported by the BBC Monitoring Africa service.Ethiopia has no domestic disposal facilities and organizations in Japan.Finland and Belgium,including the global agrochemical industry association.CropLife international,are contributing to a UN FAO-run disposal programme(Agrow No480,P15)The first phase of the project started in 2000 and transported some I,500 tonnes to Finland for disposal.The FAO Obsolete Pesticides Programme is now part of the wider Africa Stockpiles Programme,which is initially focusing on Ethiopia and six other African countries(Agrow No 482,P21).


由BBC 监视非洲服务,据Wala 情报中心报告,埃塞俄比亚的140 吨过时杀虫剂被送了到英国进行销毁。埃塞俄比亚国内没有清除器械和日本组织。芬兰和比利时,有全球性农业化肥产业协会。CropLife 国际,对贡献联合国粮食与农业组织跑处置programme(Agrow No480,2000 年项目的P15)The 第一个阶段开始了和运输了一些I, 500 吨向芬兰为处置。粮食与农业组织过时杀虫剂节目现在作为更宽的非洲库存节目的部分,哪些最初地集中于埃塞俄比亚和六其它非洲countries(Agrow 第482,P21) 。

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