
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/09/21 09:27:27

个并合地区 (convergence area),那么对于产生语言的混用现象就不会觉得奇怪。根据《语言
和语言学词典》,“并合地区”是指“一个语言集团 (Speech community) 和另一种相邻语言
语言,成为最常用的工作和交际语言。据语言专家估计,到本世纪末,会使用英语的人口将超过 15
全球四分之三的信件是用英文写成的,因特网上 80% 的电子信函是用英文写成的。由于英语在信息
脑周刊,常常可以看到 internet、Windows、homepage、web、Dos、KV300、UCDOS 等电脑术语混用在
部长在电视采访中就直接用英语讲 APEC 而不是讲“亚太经合组织”,中央台广播员直接用英语讲
CCTV,NBA, MTV 似乎已经司空见惯。就连《现代汉语词典》修订版也已经收入“卡拉 OK” 这样
英汉混用的词条。美国畅销书 FIT FOR LIFE 在香港译成中文时,题目也译成英汉混用的《 FIT 一世》。
尽管《光明日报》后来也公布了internet 的标准译名为“因特网”,但该报文章中仍然经常直接用
internet。 混用语言有的是自身选择,有的是被迫的,目前这种状况应该是自身选择的结果吧。


The new technique is reduce price of computer significantly, the computer have alreadied entered into thousands of homes.The information superhighway shortenned interpersonal distance, along with the development of new the electronics communication, the Earth will become a real small village.If we see this"small village" make 1 to combine region(convergence area), so will not feel strange for creation language mixing to use phenomenon.According to 《language and linguistics phrase 》, "combine region" means"a language group(Speech community) and a kind of another close together language get in touch with of region.In this region, usually the sexual language contact will produce the mixture language, bilingual phenomenon, erupting to living language to turn into." Result in bilingual phenomenon of the reason be complicated, there is the reason of politics, military, religion, culture, education...etc..But mix to use phenomenon but talk for the current English-to-Chinese language, main still because the universality of English at whole world result in.In the international association only English be more than any other languages, becoming the most in common use the work and the social intercourse language.Estimating according to the language expert, willing use English population up to the end of this century will over 1,500,000,000, in addition to the United States, England, Canadian etc. takes English as mother tongue of national outside global will have 10 have another hundred million people will use English masterly.According to the covariance, the letter of global three quarter is to write in English, on Internet 80% electronics letters are to write in English.Because English flows medium strong advantage in the information, the recent years didn't through the translation appear to do absorb directly!

The new technique reduce price of computer significantly, the computer has already entered into thousands of homes.The information superhighway shortenned interpersonal distance, along with the development of new electronics communication, the Earth will become a real small village.If we see this"small village" make 1 to combine region(convergence area), so will not feel strange for creation language mixing to use phenomenon.According to 《language and linguistics phrase 》, "combine region" means"a language group(Speech community) and a kind of another close together language get in touch with of region.In this region, usually the sexual language contact will produce the mixture language, bilingual phenomenon, erupting to living language to turn into." Result in bilingual phenomenon of the reason be complicated, there is the reason of politics, military, religion, culture, education...etc..But mix to use phenomenon but talk for the current English-to-Chinese language, main still because the universality of English at whole world result in.In the international association only English be more than any other languages, becoming the most in common use the work and the social intercourse language.Estimating according to the language expert, willing use English population up to the end of this century will over 1,500,000,000, in addition to the United States, England, Canadian etc. takes English as mother tongue of national outside global will have 10 have another hundred million people will use English masterly.According to the covariance, the letter of global three quarter is to write in English, on Internet 80% electronics letters are to write in English.Because English flows medium strong advantage in the information, the recent years didn't through the translation appear to absorb directly

The new technique reduce price of computer significantly, the computer has already entered into thousands of homes.The information superhighway shortenned interpersonal distance, along with the development of new electronics communication, the Earth will become a real small village.If we see this"small village" make 1 to combine region(convergence area), so will not feel strange for creation language mixing to use phenomenon.According to