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我小时候最害怕的莫过于蛇了,而乡下比我大两岁的表姐最爱玩蛇。一年夏季,我回乡下看望爷爷、奶奶。一天,表姐带我来到了一个小池塘玩。突然,我看到了一条小蛇,正用恶毒的眼光看着我,火红的舌头一吐一吐的, 吓的我腿都发抖了。这时,我突然想起奶奶曾经告诉过我,遇见蛇不能怕,也不能跑。第一,把头发弄乱,万不可让她数清;第二,用舌头吓唬她,让她感到不安全而逃走。我想到这些,立马把原本好好的头发搞得一团糟,又乱吐舌头。蛇的确感到不安了,掉头就跑。这时我才感喊:蛇!表姐赶紧跑过来,可是蛇一眨眼就不见了,这时我的心才逐渐安静下来。回到家里一照镜子,妈呀,我的头发乱蓬蓬的,就像草垛。奶奶一本正经的扒扒我的头发说:“小祖宗,鸡蛋让你弄哪去了?”哎,奶奶把我的头发当鸡窝了!


童年趣事interesting stories of childhood.
Childhood is golden and pure, for which the funs of childhood provide sufficent evidence.

When I was a child, what I fear most is snake, however, playing with snakes was my cousin favorite, who 's 2 years older than me and lived in countryside.
In a summer day, When I paid a visit to my grandparents in the countryside, She took me to a small pound.
突然,我看到了一条小蛇,正用恶毒的眼光看着我,火红的舌头一吐一吐的, 吓的我腿都发抖了。
Suddenly, I saw a small snake glaring at me me viciously, sticking a blood red tougue. I felt my legs trembling with fear.

Then, I remembered that my grandmother once told me that you must not fear, or run at the sight of a snake. Firstly, muffle your hair messy so as not to allow the snake to count out your hair. Secondly, stick out your tongue to frighten the snake, and make it feel unsafe and flee. At the thought of these, I messed up my tidy hair, and stuck my tongue at it.


The snake seemed indeed agitated, and turned around, slid away. Finally, I found myself shouting "Snake!", but the snake disapeared before my sister came up to me. My peaceful mind was regained. When I reached home, I gasped, because my hair was as messy as a pile of grass. My grandmother comed my hair with her hand and spoke in a matter-of-fact voice "my
lady, where did you hide the eggs?" oh, she was taking my hair as a chicken nest.

Childhood is like a beautiful starry sky,
Childhood funs are like stars that light up the dark sky.

Childhood, is a color of gold but have no miscellaneous quality of, an interesting news of the childhood is the most emollient witness

In childhood I am most frightened nothing is better than in snake, but bigger and two- year old than me cousin in country favourite played the snake.A year summer, I return to country to call on the grandpa, grandmother.A day, the cousin take I arrived at a small garden pond to play.Suddenly, I come in sight of a small snake, just looking at me with the evil taste, the red tongue of fire is on vomit of, my legs that frightens all shivered.At this time, I remind of the grandmother suddenly to have ever told me, meet the snake and can't fear, also can't run.The first, mixed up the hair, ten thousand can't let her count pure;The second, scare her with the tongue, make her ill at ease and whole but escape.I thought of these, signing the horse originally and thoroughly the hair make a complete mess, again the confusion stick out tongue.Snake really ill at ease, turn around and then run.At this time I just the feeling shout:Snake!The cousin runs to come over hurriedly, but once snake wink, snake be missing, my heart just pipes down gradually at this time.Return to once the home see in mirror, mama ah, disorderly of my hair of, be like the grass .The grandmother picks my hair to say in a serious manner:" Small ancestor, the egg let you make where go to?" Ah, the grandmother was the chicken nest to my hair!

Childhood, if star sky, blue and beautiful;The , if stars, illuminated the star sky, make the star sky of the original utter darkness deeply orders some glow-in-the-dark.

The childhood, is the golden color but the non- impurity, the childhood pile pile amusing thing was the most powerful testimony I childhood most is afraid not too the snake, but the countryside compared my tenth of a jin year old the older female cousin most liked playing the snake. One year summer, I return to home village under to see grandfather, paternal grandmother. One day, the older female cousin led me to arrive one small pond plays. Suddenly, I see one small snake, the correct use virulent judgement looked me, the fiery red tongue as soon as spat, frightened my leg all trembled. By now, I suddenly remembered paternal grandmother tell me, met the snake cannot fear, also could not run. First, messes up the hair, ten thousand cannot let her count clear; Second, frightens her with the tongue, lets her feel not safe runs away. I think these, 立马 do originally the well hair the snafu, also randomly spits the tongue. The snake indeed feels restless, turns around runs. By now my only then feeling shouted: Snake! The older female cousin hurries to run comes, but the snake one short period of time does not disappear, by now my heart only then gradually peacefully got down. Proficiently returns to inside as soon as illuminates the mirror, the mother, my hair dishevelled, likes the haystack. Paternal grandmother in all seriousness digs up my hair says: " The little ancestor, which did the egg let you make goes?" Ya, paternal grandmother mine hair works as chicken nest! Childhood, if starry sky, also blue also is beautiful; Virgin interest, if the stars, illuminated the starry sky, caused originally the jet black starry sky to pass point of emergence 亮光.

The funny things in childhood
Childhood likes golden pure without stain.Many funny things in childhood can vertify that.
Snake is the most fearful things for me when I was young, but for my two years older sister snake is her favourite player.

