
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/06/16 12:00:19
1.综合排名 2.气侯环境 3.就业前景 4.生活质量



萨盛大学好 布鲁克水平比不上萨省大学 萨省气候不如布鲁克,比较干燥,冬季寒冷,属于农业省份,生活质量一般,布鲁克是个小镇,东西很少,购买东西要去附近的大城市,如果没车不是很方便 就业前景差不多 都属于2流大学


First, I don't think education level in Canada is lower than that in Australia. University of Toronto ranks at 18th position in the world. Others like McGill, Queens, Waterloo and McMaster all have very high standards.

Brock University is a very very small university. The locals even won't consider it. Their accounting is the most famous, but not even close to that in Waterloo.

Univesity of Saskatchewan is bigger, but relatively speaking still not a good university. If you must go to Saskatchewan, try the one in Regina.

Why don't you choose better universities in Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia.

Weather wise, Saskatchewan is very cold, at minus 30 C in the winter. Car tire, for example, will become a square, not a circle, because of coldness. Of course after you run it for 100 meters, the air would warm up and the tire will become a circle again.

If you must select either university, go to Saskatchewan. You will get a job easily in Alberta after graduating. For accounting, you will have to go through exam for CA, CGA or CMA, which is a long way to go.

It is easy to get a job with a computing degree. When you have a job, you can apply for immigration as skilled labour.

By the way, my younger brother is also a graduate from math and computing from University of Saskatchewan.

Good luck.