《对外经贸实务》陈岩:“对你千缕万缕的情丝 割也割不断”的英文

来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/06/10 02:21:51

千缕万缕: countless
情丝: threads of love
割断: sever


Nothing can really sever
the countless threads
of my love for you, ever!

Nothing in the world can really sever
my countless love threads for you, ever!

My love for you has been woven into a knot that cannot be disentangled.


knot让我们联想到tie the knot(喜结良缘,结婚)

Are thousand wisps of ten thousand wisp longing of loves to you, mow to also mow continuously!

Shears to you thousand wisp ten thousand wisp emotions also does not cut off

Nothing can really sever the countless threads of my love for you, ever!
