
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/06/01 13:52:57
I crept into the darkened kitchen, carefully set the soup on a counter and listened through a crack in the swinging door. The bald man wanted to take our 1952 Chevy. Dad offered to pay the three weekly payments that were in arrears, but the man demanded the entire sum—$325—or the car.

我爬进了厨房, 小心翼翼的把汤放在台上, 透过弹簧门的缝隙听着. 秃头的男人想拿走我们1952年的雪弗莱. 爸爸提出支付三个星期的欠款, 但秃头的男人总共要325美金, 否则就要拿走我们的车.