
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/06/03 17:37:50

At the Doctor's Doctor Good morning. How are you?
Patient I'm very worried , doctor
Doctor Oh? What are you worried about?
Patient I'm afraid that I'm very ill.
Doctor I'm sorry to hear that. Why do you think so?
Patient Because I feel tired all the time, even when I wake up in the morning. I find
it very difficult to do any work. I have no appetite. My wife cooks me
deliciousmeals but I can only eat a little.
Doctor How do you sleep?
Patient Very badly, doctor.
Doctor Do you find it difficult to get to sleep, or do you wake up early?
Patient Both, doctor. I never get to sleep until two o'clock and I always wake up at
Doctor Are you worricd about anything?
Patient Well , yes , I am. 1'm worried about my work. I've just taken a new job. I earn
a lot of money but it's difficult work. I'm always afraid of making a mistake.
Doctor I see. please take off your shirt and lie down on the couch.
Patient Yes, doctor.(The doctor examines the patient )
Doctor Well, there's nothing very much wrong with you, I'm glad to say. You're working
too hard and worrying too much.Do you take much exercise?
Patient No, doctor. I never have enough time for exercise. I start work very early in
the morning and finish late in the evening. Then I can't get to sleep. Can
you give me some medicine to help me to sleep?
Doctor I can , but I'm not going to. You don't need medicine. You need advice. Don't
work so hard. Too much work is bad for you. Don't worry about your work.
It's silly to worry. Take regular exercise.
Patient But I may lose my job, doctor! It's hard to get a job like mine.
Doctor Then get an easier one, even if you earn less money. Which would you rather
have, health or wealth?
Patient You're right, doctor. It's more important to be healthy than wealthy. I'll
change my job. I'm grateful for your advice.
Doctor Come and see me again in a month's time. I think you'll be a different man!