keeley hazell 10分:str4="select * from yiyuan where g='1' and id=&idd order by data desc"

来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/05/25 03:18:44
str4="select * from yiyuan where g='1' and id=&idd order by data desc"

这一句不对该怎么写啊其中idd为变量, 就是这错了

str4="select * from yiyuan where g='1' and [id]='"&idd&"' order by data desc"

如果是VB的话应该这么写str4 = "select * from ylyuan where g = '1' and [id] = '" & idd & "'order by data desc"。