飞机第几排是机翼:求Andrea Bocelli安德列-波切利的歌词

来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/06/02 16:14:30


(1)Le Tue Parole (Your words)

Where the sun goes to die,
where the wind rests,
there are all the words
of those who have been in love
and have not forgotten
all that there has been.
And I shall wait for the sunset,
some time the wind must pass.
I shall let myself be carried
where the words are born.
I shall look for your words,
I want to bring them back to you.
It is not right that a woman
for fear of making a mistake
cannot fall in love
and has to content herself
with a story which is always the same
of a life to be dreamed.

Where the sun goes to die,
where the wind rests,
I have met many people
who, in a sea of words
and amid utter confusion,
still hope for a love.
It is not right that a woman
for fear of making a mistake
cannot fall in love
and has to content herself
with a story which is always the same
of a life to be forgotten,

(2)I Love Rossini
Alone, as if by force of habit
Even tonight, I stop by the bar
An echo, taunting me, fills the air
It's a voice, a voice that's all too familiar
It's you, so close, but you hide
Because you're still talking about me
Could it be you cannot forget me
To a friend that knows nothing of me
You're talking of my heart
And the bar, it smells of coffee
You can hear you love story
At the ice cream counter
Slander is a wicked wind
Said the writer with his pen
But you believed it to be true
While for me there was no reason
To give credence to suspicious envy.
Yet even now, your're still talking about me
Could it be you cannot forget me
My faltering command of english
That won your love right here
And countless coffees we shared together
I told you "I Love Rossini,
you know, the Italian opera"
Right here, by the ice cream counter
Now I'm explaining this love to your friend
I plead, tell this to my love
She sits there, uncaring, at your side
Tell her if the opera isn't enough,
There will be another song
While you are talking about me
Then surely, you haven't forgotten
And I'm still singing about you
Because I know I can't forget you

(3)Per Amore
Io conosco la tua strada
ogni passo che farai
le tue ansie chiuse e i vuoti
sassi che allontanerai
senza mai pensare che
come roccia io ritorno in te ...
Io conosco i tuoi respiri
tutto quello che non vuoi.
Lo sai bene che non vivi
riconoscerlo non puoi.
E sarebbe come se
questo cielo in fiamme
ricadesse in me,
come scena su un attore ...

Per amore,
hai mai fatto niente
solo per amore,
hai sfidato il vento e urlato mai,
diviso il cuore stesso
pagato e riscomesso
dietro questa mania
che resta solo mia?

Per amore,
hai mai corso senza fiato
per amore,
perso e ricominciato?
E devi dirlo adesso
quanto di te ci hai messo
quanto hai creduto tu
in questa bugia.
E sarebbe come se
questo fiume in piena
risalisse a me,
come china al suo pittore.

Per amore,
hai mai speso tutto quanto, la ragione
il tuo orgoglio fino al pianto?
Lo sai sta sera resto,
non ho nessun pretesto,
soltanto una mania
che resta forte e mia
dentro quest'anima che strappi via.
E te le dico adesso,
sincero con me stesso,
quanto mi costa non saperti mia.
E sarebbe come se
tutto questo mare
annegasse in me.