
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/06/04 02:53:20
I “会听”

要尽量鼓励对方多说,向对方说:“yes”,“please go on”,并提问题请对方回答,使对方多谈他们的情况。

II 巧提问题

用开放式的问题来了解进口商的需求,使进口商自由畅谈。“can you tell me more about your campany?”“what do you think of our proposal?”


进口商常常会问:“can not you do better than that?”

对此不要让步,而应反问:“what is meant by better?”或“better than what?”使进口商说明他们究竟在哪些方面不满意。进口商:“your competitor is offering better terms.”

III 使用条件问句



如:“what would you do if we agree to a two-year contract?”

及“if we modif your specifications, would you consider a larger order?”




(4)代替“no”。“would you be willing to meet the extra cost if we meet your
additional requirements?”如果对方不愿支付额外费用,就拒绝了自己的要求,不会因此而失去对方的合作。

some detail in business negotiation
the skill in business negotiation
I “会听”
how to listen others'

要尽量鼓励对方多说,向对方说:“yes”,“please go on”,并提问题请对方回答,使对方多谈他们的情况。
you should try your best to encourage others talk more ,and say more words such as yes please go on ,at same time ask some questions to him/her ,let he/she talk more himself /herself

II 巧提问题
ask question skillfully

用开放式的问题来了解进口商的需求,使进口商自由畅谈。“can you tell me more about your campany?”“what do you think of our proposal?”

understand the need of import business with open question ,make them speak fluently.

take down the key points of foreiner traders and analyze in the future

进口商常常会问:“can not you do better than that?”

generally , import businessman will ask "

而应反问:“what is meant by better?”或“better than what?”使进口商说明他们究竟在哪些方面不满意。进口商:“your competitor is offering better terms.”
at that time you should not make a concession.on the contrary ,you may ask make them why you are not pleased
III 使用条件问句
with contional setence
understand further the party's contion with trial conditional sentence ,in order to amend quote

the typical conditional sentence such as
如:“what would you do if we agree to a two-year contract?”

及“if we modif your specifications, would you consider a larger order?”

make a concession bilaterally .if only the partner accept our items ,our quote is sucessful
obtain information

look for same benefits.if the partner refuse ,we should quote the other plan

(4)代替“no”。“would you be willing to meet the extra cost if we meet your
additional requirements?”如果对方不愿支付额外费用,就拒绝了自己的要求,不会因此而失去对方的合作。

NO is substituted by other sentence .
if the partner doesn't pay additional fee ,that means they disagree with the orinal but we still substains cooperation with them