招商银行 应届毕业生:大学英语二作业(2)

来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/06/16 03:49:49
I. Choose one of the two following assignments and finish it with a paper of no less than 150 words. (从下面两个写作任务中选择一个,要求字数不少于150单词。)

1). Write a report of no less than 150 words about a popular celebration in your culture. Answer the following questions in your report.
1. When is the celebration?
2. How long has the celebration existed?
3. Why does the celebration take place?
4. How do people prepare for the celebration?
5. What do people do to celebrate?
2). Pick one of the wonders that you have seen and write a report of no less than 150 words about it. If you haven’t seen any of the wonders listed in Some Fun, decide which one you would most like to see and get information about it. You should answer some of the following questions in your report:
Where is the wonder located?
When was it built?
Why was it built?
Did it have a practical use?
How did you feel when you saw the wonder?
Why do you think it is considered a "wonder"?

II. Answer the Following Questions.
1. What is the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, Spain? In your opinion, why do people participate in the Running of the Bulls? Why do people watch the event?
2. Today the word “Nian” means “year” in China. Why were people afraid of Nian in the past? What was Nian afraid of? What do people do to scare away Nian? Do you think this tradition should be kept?
3. Why did Alexandria need a lighthouse? How do most historians think the Lighthouse of Alexandria was destroyed?

III. Choose one of the two following assignments and finish it with a paper of no less than 200 words. (从下面两个写作任务中选择一个,要求字数不少于200单词。)
1. Write an account of your own visit to a foreign country or a place in China.
l Choose some of the sites you saw and experiences you had.
l Describe them in detail, and include your impressions.

2. About 50 years ago, less than one-third of the world's population lived in urban areas. By the year 2005, people who live in large cities are expected to make up half of the world's population, and by the year 2025, their number will reach two-thirds. Write an essay in which you discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend.

About 50 years ago, less than one-third of the world's population lived in urban areas. By the year 2005, people who live in large cities are expected to make up half of the world's population, and by the year 2025, their number will reach two-thirds. Write an essay in which you discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend.