
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/06/04 16:43:40
我的电脑前段时间经常死机就起不来了,重格c盘后装系统就好了,但这次玩大了我用fdisk重新分区c盘2g,d盘10g,e盘25g然后激活,退出时却显示warning diak boot sector is to be modified type "y" to accept,any key to abort award software inc
我按y后退出重起但格c盘显示 not ready format terminated
you must restart your system for your changes to take effect.any drives you have created or changed must be formatted after you restart
shut down windows before restarting后来我又低格又重新分区还是不行,现在搞的乱七八糟,但还是c盘2g,d盘10g,e盘25g就是装不了系统我也不知如何是好都修了一个星期了.我用的是XP的启动盘里面自带超级dos工具,还有自动格c盘,windows等.哪位大虾手把手教教我,拜托谢谢了.
谢谢都格了c盘格不了d盘和e盘格到百分之9然后显示Disk boot failure和Not ready format terminated

这是因为你划分的C盘空间太小了.把C盘划大一点.建议c盘8G D盘 10G E盘 10G F盘就剩下的.

not ready format terminated
you must restart your system for your changes to take effect.any drives you have created or changed must be formatted after you restart
shut down windows before restarting
format c:
format d:
format e: