
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/05/25 20:38:10

■■ 应该是【blond】,这样说比较好。


(形容词 adjective)
● (人的毛发)亚麻色的,金黄色的
The girl has long blond braids.
● (皮肤)白皙的
● (人)白肤金发碧眼的
This blond man delivers newspaper every morning.
● 浅色的

(名词 noun)
1. 白肤金发碧眼的人[C]

一种叫 blondes, 金发妞,
另一种叫 brunettes, 棕发妞.

○ 一般美国人或是欧洲人对於 blond girl 的刻板印象就是胸部很大, 但是没有大脑, 又很喜欢作爱, 所以很容易就能骗上床. 所以在美国有很多所谓的 blond jokes, 讲的就是对金发妞的一些笑话. 你在美国跟人家说 blond joke, 人家都会知道你在说什麼.

○ 而棕发妞则正好相反, 她们通常都很有智慧, 事业心也很强. 所以我听老美说过一句话蛮有意思的, If you dream of a blond, your life sucks. But you dream of a brunette, your life is wonderful!

=> 很多美国的小孩子都是金发, 但是随著年纪渐长, 头发的颜色会渐渐转为褐色夹杂金色, 通常我们可以根据其纯度而将其区分为
bleach blond , sandy blond 和 dirty blond .

★★(事实上没有人是天生的 bleach blond 。)
一般 bleach blond 的头发, 都是染出来的结果)
我们可以称【染出来的金发叫作 dyed blond hair】
而【天生的金发叫作 platimum blond】


Mr. 装疯卖傻的小孩 made some very interesting comments regarding blond ladies: 一般美国人或是欧洲人对於 blond girl 的刻板印象就是胸部很大, 但是没有大脑 (sexy but brainless). This is very accurate description of men's common perception about such fair-haired women.

In fact, people also have a not-so-flattering perception about blond men. A blond man is usually considered less intelligent than a darker-haired guy. How many lead actors in Hollywood movies have blond hairs? And how many successful politicians are blond men? The answer is very very few. Last year's high budget movie Alexander failed miserably in box office and among movies critics. One of the main reason critics say is because of the fact that its lead actor in the movie is a blond man!

Ladies even consider blond men too femiline (and less intelligent), thus unattractive and less sexy. Many American men want to dye their hair darker to look more attractive to ladies. I just don't understand why so many Asian guys would want dye their hairs blond? Very silly.

blonde hair, bluish eyes
golden hair, blue eyes
不可以说 gold hair

gold hairs and blue eyes

gold hair , blue eyes