勇者大战魔物娘逆推:SI 是指什么?(外贸方面)
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/09/12 21:27:40
Please check below file and kindly arrange SI and payment.
As for Japan orders, we can arrange around mid/Feb.
So can we receive SI and payment till then so that we can arrange shipment
Please check below file and kindly arrange SI and payment.
As for Japan orders, we can arrange around mid/Feb.
So can we receive SI and payment till then so that we can arrange shipment
我觉得SI应该是SIGHT的意思。我的理解SI and payment应该是即期付款。根据付款期限的远近不同,付款交单方式又可具体细分为即期付款交单(D/P AT SIGHT)与远期付款交单(D/P AT XXX DAYS AFTER SIGHT/AFTER B/L DATE)。根据你MAIL上的内容显示,应该属于托收方式中的即期付款交单。